SHOWCASERead more about Tribute Scores
here. For your Tribute Showcase you should try to stick to a station that best reflects your Tribute's Strength. Please post the Showcase here:
Training Center. With "Showcase" in the Description.
STRENGTHBOULDER THROWING: On a rack there are boulders ranging from 20 to 200 lbs.
MONKEY BARS: There is a 30 ft in length across. You just have to make it to the end of the bars.
WEIGHT LIFTING: Weights range from 10 to 200 lbs.
UPPERBODY WORKOUT (PUSHUPS): I think you know what these are.
INTELLIGENCEINTELLIGENCE INFLUENCER: You put on a helmet and you see questions, answer them with the left and right clickers on the helmet's handles, and the amount you got correct will come at the end, as well as the ones you got wrong. You can answer 10, 15, or 20 questions in one Session. The questions can be something like this, but not limited to:
- You are getting chased, what do you do?
- You see water, do you drink?
SCHOOL TRIVIA: Choose your District and all of the lessons you've learned will pop up. Choose one, and take a trivia quiz on it. There are 10, 15, or 20 questions in each Session. The questions you got right and wrong will come after you complete the trivia quiz, as well as the answers.
CAMOUFLAGE TRAINING: Learn how to camouflage yourself with paint, etc. Test your skills. There are trees, grass, rocks, and more to see how well you blend in.
SPEED INDEPENDENT FIGHTING TRAINING: Like the thing Katniss was in in the 75th Quell's Training Center, you step inside a room and holograms will come and try to kill you, or at least attack you. You will know how many times you died after the Session. One session lasts 5-10 minutes.
SWIMMING TRAINING: Learn how to swim. Sessions last 30 mins to an hour.
SPEED LIMIT TRAINING: Learn how fast you can go by getting on a hi-tech treadmill, and run until you can't anymore.